"The Chesterfield Supper Club" Show
Inspired by the legendary 1940s musical variety radio show hosted by the legendary singers Jo Stafford and Perry Como, Liri's iteration of "The Chesterfield Supper Club" brings a touch of that bygone era back to life in a captivating and contemporary way. This unique concept-show seamlessly blends classic tunes that color the rich tapestry of Americana and showcases Liri's talent as a performer and arranger. In addition to timeless favorites, the show features original songs written and composed by Liri, adding a fresh, modern twist to the repertoire.
The key notion behind "The Chesterfield Supper Club" is to bring music back to the foreground from its long dormant placement in the entertainment industry as an appetizer or consort, by creating a unified and complimentary musical showcase rather than a string of hot numbers.
Contact me to inquire about availability!